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/ Loadstar 218 / 218.d81 / hbxmas pt2 (.txt) < prev    next >
Commodore BASIC  |  2002-01-01  |  11.5 KB  |  260 lines

  1. 5 dv=peek(186):ifdv<8thendv=8
  2. 100 rem----hbxmas pt2----
  3. 110 onagoto150,160,170
  4. 120 goto190
  5. 130 rem....load....
  6. 140 na$=na$+"1":a=1:loadna$,dv,1
  7. 150 a=a+1:na$=left$(na$,len(na$)-1):na$=na$+"2":loadna$,dv,1
  8. 160 a=a+1:na$=left$(na$,len(na$)-1):na$=na$+"3":poke53265,11:loadna$,dv,1
  9. 170 a=0:goto980
  10. 180 rem...define variables,etc...
  11. 190 bc=53280:sc=53281:v=53248:np=0:pokebc,6
  12. 200 rem hi-res sprite pointers:
  13. 210 s0=24568:s1=24569:s2=24570:s3=24571:s4=24572:s5=24573:s6=24574:s7=24575
  14. 220 rem lo-res sprite pointers:
  15. 230 p0=2040:p1=2041:p2=2042:p3=2043:p4=2044:p5=2045:p6=2046:p7=2047
  16. 240 rem....load new sprite data....
  17. 250 fori=0to127:readj:poke23360+i,j:next
  18. 260 rem....top of man leaning over
  19. 270 data0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
  20. 280 data0,0,0,0,0,3,192,0
  21. 290 data15,240,0,63,252,0,63,252
  22. 300 data0,63,252,0,171,240,0,170
  23. 310 data160,2,170,168,2,170,168,2
  24. 320 data170,170,2,170,170,2,170,138
  25. 330 data2,170,138,2,170,138,2,170
  26. 340 data138,2,170,138,2,170,138,0
  27. 350 rem....bottom of man leaning over
  28. 360 data3,255,192,15,255,192,15,255
  29. 370 data192,15,255,192,15,255,192,15
  30. 380 data255,192,15,255,192,15,255,192
  31. 390 data15,255,192,15,207,192,15,207
  32. 400 data192,15,207,192,15,207,192,15
  33. 410 data207,192,15,207,192,15,207,192
  34. 420 data15,207,192,15,207,192,15,207
  35. 430 data192,15,207,192,15,207,192,0
  36. 440 rem....top of woman facing left
  37. 450 fori=0to127:readj:poke22784+i,j:poke15552+i,j:next
  38. 460 data0,60,0,3,255,0,3,255
  39. 470 data192,0,87,192,0,215,192,0
  40. 480 data87,240,1,85,0,0,84,0
  41. 490 data0,84,0,0,16,0,0,168
  42. 500 data0,2,170,0,2,170,0,10
  43. 510 data170,0,10,170,0,10,170,0
  44. 520 data1,170,0,1,170,0,1,168
  45. 530 data0,1,168,0,1,168,0,0
  46. 540 data1,168,0,1,170,0,2,170
  47. 550 data0,2,170,0,2,170,0,2
  48. 560 data170,0,2,170,0,2,170,0
  49. 570 data2,170,0,10,170,0,10,170
  50. 580 data128,0,84,0,0,84,0,0
  51. 590 data84,0,0,84,0,0,84,0
  52. 600 data0,84,0,0,84,0,0,84
  53. 610 data0,3,252,0,12,204,0,0
  54. 620 fori=0to127:readj:poke22656+i,j:poke15744+i,j:next
  55. 630 rem....top of man standing
  56. 640 data3,255,0,15,255,192,63,87
  57. 650 data240,53,85,112,53,85,112,20
  58. 660 data84,80,21,85,80,21,69,80
  59. 670 data5,85,64,5,253,64,3,207
  60. 680 data0,0,84,0,10,154,128,42
  61. 690 data170,160,42,170,160,22,138,80
  62. 700 data22,170,80,22,170,80,22,170
  63. 710 data80,22,138,80,22,170,80,0
  64. 720 rem....bottom of man standing
  65. 730 data15,255,192,15,255,192,15,255
  66. 740 data192,15,255,192,15,255,192,15
  67. 750 data255,192,15,255,192,15,255,192
  68. 760 data15,255,192,15,207,192,15,207
  69. 770 data192,15,207,192,15,207,192,15
  70. 780 data207,192,15,207,192,15,207,192
  71. 790 data15,207,192,15,207,192,15,207
  72. 800 data192,15,207,192,15,207,192,0
  73. 810 rem....snowfall....
  74. 820 fori=0to63:readj:poke22592+i,j:poke15680+i,j:next
  75. 830 data128,128,128,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,16,16,16,0,0,0,0,0,0
  76. 840 data128,128,128,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,16,16,16,0,0,0,0,0,0
  77. 850 data1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
  78. 860 rem....boy standing....
  79. 870 fori=0to63:readj:poke15872+i,j:next
  80. 880 data0,63,0,0,245,0,0,215
  81. 890 data0,0,213,64,0,215,0,0
  82. 900 data5,0,0,42,0,0,170,128
  83. 910 data0,170,128,0,170,128,0,170
  84. 920 data128,0,170,128,0,31,0,0
  85. 930 data31,0,0,63,0,0,63,0
  86. 940 data0,63,0,0,63,0,0,63
  87. 950 data0,0,51,0,0,21,64,0
  88. 960 :
  89. 970 goto1150
  90. 980 onnpgoto1270
  91. 990 :
  92. 1110 :
  93. 1120 rem...fade-out...
  94. 1130 fori=0to7:poke843,0+i:poke844,96:sys830:next:return
  95. 1140 :
  96. 1150 rem....main program....
  97. 1160 pokebc,6:pokesc,6:poke53272,23
  98. 1170 gosub63000:print"  [212]he children's father was a
  99. 1180 [153]"trained medical assistant, so he
  100. 1190 print"checked him for injuries."
  101. 1200 print""chr$(34)"[201] don't believe he is badly"
  102. 1210 print"hurt,"chr$(34)" said the father. "chr$(34)"[200]e must"
  103. 1220 print"have landed flat on his back and"
  104. 1230 print"the soft ground cushioned the"
  105. 1235 print"fall."chr$(34)
  106. 1240 d=20:gosub5000
  107. 1250 rem....living room scene....
  108. 1260 goto10000:np=1
  109. 1270 rem....set up sprites....
  110. 1280 fori=0to14step2:pokev+i,0:next
  111. 1290 pokes0,108:pokev+39,8:pokev,48:pokev+1,159:rem huggy bear
  112. 1300 pokev+28,254:pokev+37,7:pokev+38,9:rem set colors
  113. 1310 pokes1,109:pokev+40,4:pokev+2,105:pokev+3,165:rem man top
  114. 1320 pokes2,110:pokev+41,9:pokev+4,107:pokev+5,186:rem man bottom
  115. 1330 pokes3,100:pokev+42,10:pokev+6,158:pokev+7,165:rem woman top
  116. 1340 pokes4,101:pokev+43,10:pokev+8,158:pokev+9,186:rem woman bottom
  117. 1350 pokes5,87:pokev+44,5:pokev+10,205:pokev+11,160:rem girl top
  118. 1360 pokes6,86:pokev+45,6:pokev+12,205:pokev+13,181:rem girl bottom
  119. 1370 pokes7,91:pokev+46,4:pokev+14,125:pokev+15,184:rem little boy
  120. 1380 pokev+21,255
  121. 1390 pokesc,14:poke53265,27:poke251,128:poke252,96:poke253,92:sys51456:sys51459
  122. 1400 d=5:gosub5000
  123. 1410 :
  124. 1420 rem....text sequences....
  125. 1430 pokev+21,0:sys878:poke53265,11:pokesc,6:sys51459:print"[147]":poke53272,23
  126. 1440 pokep5,242:pokev+10,255:pokev+11,100:pokev+23,32:pokev+29,32:pokev+21,32
  127. 1450 gosub63000
  128. 1455 print"  "chr$(34)"[212]his little bear came"
  129. 1457 print"running to our house and"
  130. 1460 print"told me about the accident."
  131. 1462 print"[212]hen he took me to a place in"
  132. 1470 print"the woods where [201] found[202]immy."chr$(34)
  133. 1480 poke53265,27:d=20:gosub5000
  134. 1490 pokev+21,0:print"[147]":pokep5,246:pokev+44,4:pokev+21,32
  135. 1500 gosub63000:print"  "chr$(34)"[215]ell, little [194]ear,"chr$(34)"
  136. 1510 [153]"said the children's"
  137. 1520 [153]"father, "[199](34)"we certainly are"
  138. 1530 [153]"grateful to you for your help!"
  139. 1535 [153]"(NULL)hat is your name and where do"
  140. 1540 [153]"you live?"[199](34):d[178]20:[141]5000
  141. 1550 [151]v[170]21,0:[153]"load":[151]p0,254:[151]v[170]39,8:[151]v,50:[151]v[170]1,100
  142. 1560 [151]v[170]23,1:[151]v[170]29,1:[151]v[170]21,1
  143. 1570 [141]63000:[153]""[163]13)[199](34)"(NULL)y name is left$(NULL)chr$chr$(NULL) peekvalatn(NULL),"[199](34)
  144. 1580 [153][163]13)"said the little bear,":[153][163]13)"and he told how he"
  145. 1590 [153][163]13)"had left the toy store":[153][163]13)"to search for a home
  146. 1600 print"for himself before [195]hristmas."
  147. 1610 d=20:gosub5000
  148. 1620 pokev+21,0:print"[147]":pokev+44,5
  149. 1630 pokep5,242:pokev+10,255:pokev+11,65:pokev+23,32:pokev+29,32:pokev+21,32
  150. 1640 gosub63000:print"  "chr$(34)"[207]h father, can he stay"
  151. 1645 print"here with us? [200]e can be a part"
  152. 1650 print"of our family!"chr$(34):d=10:gosub5000
  153. 1660 print"  [194]y this time the little boy"
  154. 1670 print"had awakened and was standing."
  155. 1675 d=5:gosub5000
  156. 1680 pokep7,248:pokev+46,4:pokev+14,50:pokev+15,190:pokev+23,160:pokev+29,160
  157. 1690 pokev+28,160:pokev+21,160
  158. 1700 print""chr$(34)"[208]lease father.  [215]e'll take real"
  159. 1710 printtab(13)"good care of him and he"
  160. 1720 printtab(13)"can be our playmate."chr$(34)
  161. 1730 d=10:gosub5000
  162. 1740 pokev+21,0:print"[147]"
  163. 1750 pokep3,243:pokev+42,10:pokev+6,255:pokev+7,80:pokev+23,8:pokev+29,8
  164. 1760 pokev+28,8:pokev+21,8
  165. 1770 gosub63000:print"  "chr$(34)"[215]ell, [201] think it"
  166. 1771 print"would be nice to"
  167. 1772 print"have a [212]eddy [194]ear"
  168. 1780 print"around the house."
  169. 1790 print"[200]e would be good company.  [200]ow"
  170. 1795 print"about it, [200]uggy [194]ear, will you"
  171. 1800 print"live with us?"chr$(34)" asked the"
  172. 1805 print"children's mother."
  173. 1810 d=20:gosub5000
  174. 1820 pokev+21,0:pokev+23,0:pokev+29,0:pokev+28,0:print"[147]"
  175. 1830 pokep3,255:pokev+42,8:pokev+6,160:pokev+7,200:pokev+21,8
  176. 1835 gosub63000
  177. 1840 print"  "chr$(34)"[199]osh!"chr$(34)" said [200]uggy.  "chr$(34)"[212]hat's"
  178. 1850 print"the nicest thing that could"
  179. 1860 print"happen to me.  [201] sure would like"
  180. 1865 print"to live with you."chr$(34)
  181. 1870 d=10:gosub5000
  182. 1880 print"  [212]he boy and girl were so happy"
  183. 1890 print"to have the bear live with them"
  184. 1895 print"that they gave him a great big"
  185. 1897 print"bear hug."
  186. 1900 d=5:gosub5000
  187. 1910 pokep2,248:pokev+41,4:pokev+4,150:pokev+5,200
  188. 1920 pokep0,242:pokev+39,5:pokev,172:pokev+1,192
  189. 1930 pokev+21,12:forx=100to150:pokev+4,x:next
  190. 1940 pokep0,242:pokev+39,5:pokev,255:pokev+1,192
  191. 1950 pokep1,241:pokev+40,14:pokev+2,255:pokev+3,213:pokev+28,7:pokev+21,15
  192. 1960 forx=255to169step-1:pokev,x:pokev+2,x:next
  193. 1970 d=10:gosub5000:pokev+21,8
  194. 1980 gosub63000:print"  [193]fter everyone had gone to bed
  195. 1990 [153]"left$uggy peekear sat under the"
  196. 2000 [153]"lenhristmas tree and thought about"
  197. 2010 [153]"his good fortune - how lucky he"
  198. 2020 [153]"was to find a nice home.  (NULL)hile"
  199. 2030 [153]"he sat there it began to snow"
  200. 2040 [153]"outside.  "[199](34)"right$t looks like we'll"
  201. 2050 [153]"have a white lenhristmas after"
  202. 2060 [153]"all!"[199](34)
  203. 2070 d[178]20:[141]5000:[151]53280,0:[151]53281,0
  204. 2080 [153]"load":[158]913:[151]s3,111:[151]v[170]6,235:[151]v[170]7,195:[151]sc,0:[151]v[170]42,9
  205. 2090 [151]251,128:[151]252,96:[151]253,92:[158]51459:[151]53281,0
  206. 2100 [143]....snowfall....
  207. 2110 [129]i[178]s4[164]s7:[151]i,97:[130]
  208. 2120 [129]i[178]43[164]46:[151]v[170]i,3:[130]
  209. 2130 [151]v[170]29,240:[151]v[170]23,240
  210. 2140 [151]v[170]8,88:[151]v[170]10,88:[151]v[170]12,138:[151]v[170]14,138
  211. 2150 [151]v[170]27,240:[151]v[170]21,248:j[178]0
  212. 2160 [129]y[178]85[164]90:[151]v[170]9,y:[151]v[170]11,y[170]32:[151]v[170]13,y:[151]v[170]15,y[170]32
  213. 2170 [129]t[178]1[164]50:[130]t,y
  214. 2180 j[178]j[170]1:[139]j[177]13[167]2200
  215. 2190 [137]2160
  216. 2200 [151]v[170]21,0:[151]sc,6:[158]51459
  217. 2210 [141]63000:[151]214,23:[153]
  218. 2212 [153]"clr /exp open(lopen)oadstar   (hopen)uggy bear again clr /expprint"
  219. 2215 [153][199](142)"  i certainly hope that your
  220. 2220 print"christmas is as good as mine.
  221. 2230 [153]"may i wish you a very...
  222. 2240 printtab(9)"[150] [223][169] [146]    [146]   [223][146]   [223][146]  [146]  [146]"
  223. 2250 printtab(9)"[153] [146][223][169] [146]  [146]    [146]  [146]  [146]  [146] [223] [146][169]"
  224. 2260 printtab(9)"[150] [146]   [146]   [146]    [146][169]   [146][169]   [146]"
  225. 2270 printtab(9)"[153] [146]   [146]  [146]    [146][223][223][146]  [146][223][223][146]   [146]"
  226. 2280 printtab(9)"[150] [146]   [146]    [146]  [146] [223]  [146] [223]   [146]"
  227. 2290 print"[153][169] [223][146]  [146]  [146]   [223][146]  [146] [169] [223][146]    [146]  [223][169] [146] [169] [223][146] [169] [223][146]"
  228. 2300 print"[150] [146] [184]  [146]  [146]  [146]  [146]  [146]  [146]     [146]   [146][223][169] [146]  [146]  [146]  [146]"
  229. 2310 print"[153] [146]    [146]  [146]   [146][169]  [146] [223] [223][146]   [146]   [146]   [146]  [146]  [146] [223] [223][146]"
  230. 2320 print"[150] [146]      [146]  [146][223][223][146]  [146]    [146]   [146]   [146]   [146]    [146]    [146]"
  231. 2330 print"[153][223] [146][169]  [146]  [146]  [146] [223]  [146] [223] [146][169]   [146]   [146]   [146]  [146]  [146] [223] [146][169]"
  232. 2340 poke198,0
  233. 2350 getb$:ifb$<>"l"andb$<>"h"then2350
  234. 2355 a$="hello connect":ifb$="h"thena$="b.huggy"
  235. 2360 open15,dv,15,"r0:"+a$+"="+a$:input#15,er:close15
  236. 2370 if er<>63 then print"[147]":end
  237. 2380 q$=chr$(34):poke646,peek(53281):print"[147]"
  238. 2390 print"load"q$a$q$","dv
  239. 2400 print"run":poke631,13:poke632,13:poke198,2:end
  240. 5000 ti$="000000":poke198,0
  241. 5010 ifval(ti$)<dandpeek(198)=0then5010
  242. 5020 geta$:return
  243. 10000 sys57812"unpacker.89",dv,0:poke780,0:poke781,0:poke782,201:sys65493
  244. 10010 sys57812"parlor.shp",dv,0:poke780,0:poke781,0:poke782,128:sys65493
  245. 10020 poke251,128:poke252,96:poke253,92
  246. 10030 goto1280
  247. 20000 open15,08,15,"s0:hbxmas pt2":close15:save"hbxmas pt2",08:end
  248. 63000 print"[147][156]";:poke53281,0:poke53280,0
  249. 63010 print" [176][174]                                  [176][174]"
  250. 63020 print"[176][219][219][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][219][219][174]";
  251. 63030 print"[221][221][171][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][179][221][221]";
  252. 63040 print"[173][179][221]                                  [221][171][189]";
  253. 63050 ford=1to17
  254. 63060 print" [221][221]                                  [221][221]":next
  255. 63070 print"[176][179][221]                                  [221][171][174]";
  256. 63080 print"[221][221][171][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][179][221][221]";
  257. 63090 print"[173][219][219][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][219][219][189]";
  258. 63100 print" [173][189]     [159][208]ress [211][208][193][195][197][159] to continue     [156] [173][189][153]"
  259. 63110 ford=217to242:poked,peek(d)or128:next:return